The Ibiza City Department of the Environment has opened, for the second year, the swimming channel that is located in the area of Puig des Molins. The channel has been installed since the beginning of July and will be open until October 31, when it will be dismantled until next season.
The objective of this installation is to respond to the increasing demand of athletes who want to practice swimming in open waters and better prepare for sports events such as triathlons or swimming races.
The channel is 650 meters long and 50 meters wide, the most extensive on the island, and is bounded by white buoys (every 5 meters) and red buoys (every 25 meters), so that athletes can control the distance they swim. In addition, the channel has two access points, where information boards can be found with safety recommendations.
It should be noted that the channel is not a monitored area and that swimming should be avoided in case of strong or moderate waves. It is better to be accompanied and communicate to someone the planned activity, hydrate and protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, use neoprene suits and carry a buoy which indicates your position, respect the activity of other users and take care of the flora and fauna of the environment, as well as taking all the waste generated.
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