The Eivissa City Council is launching a plan to expand the pedestrian space aimed at guaranteeing that the movement of citizens is safe because of the current health crisis caused by COVID-19 and following the instructions of the health authorities.
The objective of this initiative, once the period of confinement is over, is to condition the city to facilitate travel on foot and by bicycle.
Eivissa Oberta is an initiative of the departments of Public Roads, Mobility and Environment and will open the city from E-10 (the closest round to the center) inwards, for bicycles and pedestrians on weekends.
More than 15,000 m² of streets open to pedestrians are enabled on Saturdays and Sundays, and more than 3,000 m² of new sidewalks to enjoy walks safely, maintaining the safety distance recommended by health authorities.
This measure has four main axes: to enable the city roads from the E-10 inwards for pedestrians and bicycles; the empowerment for pedestrians and bicycles of 18 sections and streets of the city during the weekends; expand more than 3,000 m² of sidewalks; and the promotion of the city as space 30 with the exception of the main avenues from the E-10 inwards.
Access to private parking, paid parking and public service will be enabled in all cases, always respecting pedestrians and bicycles that have preference. In the same way that residents of this area of the city can access from the E-10 inwards.
These routes will be enabled for pedestrians and bicycles on Saturdays first thing in the morning and will reopen to traffic on Sunday at 11pm.As for the performance of the E-10 inwards, it will start on Saturday nights and end 24 hours later.
This is a provisional measure to provide citizens with more and better spaces for pedestrians and to maintain a safe distance during the de-escalation of the confinement caused by the spread of Covid-19.
With these interventions, we comply with all the indications made by the authorities of the Government of Spain.
The streets that will be available to pedestrians during the weekends are:
- Castella, from Bisbe d’Huix to Bisbe Abad and Lasierra
- Passeig de Joan Carles I
- Via Púnica, from C/ Pérez Tur Cabrero to Arxiduc Lluís Salvador.
- Arquebisbe Cardona Riera, from Vicent Serra i Orvay to Isidor Macabich.
- Carles Román Ferrer
- Quartó de Santa Eulària
- Bisbe Carrasco, from Bisbe d’Huix to Madrid
- Madrid, from Aragó to Isidor Macabich
- Josep Clapés, from Aragó to Bisbe Carrasco
- Ceramista Joan Daifa, from Historiador Joan Marí Cardona to el Passeig de Joan Carles I
- Pere Francès, from Diputat Josep Ribas to Mallorca
- Pereira i Morante
- Cabrera
- Metge Villangómez Ferrer
- Menorca
- Mallorca
- Catalunya, from Extremadura to Abad y Lasierra
- Agapit Llobet, from Balears to Múrcia
One of the actions included in the Eivissa Oberta plan is to pose more pedestrian sidewalks for the public. In total, 3,000 m² of new provisional pavements will be placed which will give more security and more space to citizens.
The new sidewalks are:
– Passeig de Joan Carles I, extension of the right sidewalk, adapting the battery parking space for pedestrians.
– Castella, from Abad and Lasierra to Extremadura, widening the left sidewalk using all the parking space.
– Aragó, from number 28 to Calle Canàries, widening the right sidewalk using the parking space.
– Bartomeu Vicent Ramon, widening the left sidewalk using the parking area.
These measures will be expanded with other mobility actions, such as the horizontal marking of marks that indicate the priority of the bicycle.
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