Ibiza city hosts on November 26 and 27 the V European Meeting of World Heritage Associations. The event, organized by the Group of World Heritage Cities of Spain, in collaboration with the City of Ibiza and the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, will be held at the Pitiusan headquarters of the University of the Balearic Islands, former Military Command, at the foot of the walls.
The main objective of this meeting, in which more than 80 experts and managers of associations of all Europe will participate, is to promote a sustainable management of the European World Heritage, through an economic, social and environmental approach to Tourism. It is intended, therefore, to share and exchange examples of good practices implemented by the different European networks, identify challenges and opportunities and reach conclusions that serve as a guide for those who manage World Heritage cities and sites towards a more sustainable tourism.
The Group of World Heritage Cities of Spain, whose presidency currently holds the mayor of Ibiza, is a non-profit association, created in 1993, whose objective is to act jointly in defense and cultural and tourist promotion of the heritage of the 15 cities that compose it, whose historical centers have been recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage. Integrated by Alcalá de Henares, Ávila, Baeza, Cáceres, Córdoba, Cuenca, Ibiza/Eivissa, Mérida, Salamanca, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Tarragona, Toledo and Úbeda.
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