Enjoy the traditional Holy Week processions in Ibiza town. Check procession dates, times and tours that are part of the impressive historic center of Dalt Vila, a World Heritage Site, as well as the most central streets of Ibiza city.
Friday, 12 of April (Friday of Sorrows)
· 20:30. Mass followed by the Friday of Sorrows procession departing from the Cathedral.
Saturday, 13 of April
· 20:00. Mass in Sant Elm, after which the Santísimo Cristo de la Sangre (Holy Christ of the Blood) is paraded through the streets of the Marina.
Sunday, 14 of April (Palm Sunday)
· 9:45. Palm blessing of the Nuestra Señora de la Piedad (Our Lady of Mercy) Brotherhood in Sant Elm and procession of La Borriquita del Cristo from the Sant Elm Cemetery to Santo Domingo.
Monday, 15 of April
· 20:00. Mass in the church of Santo Domingo and later procession of the Santísimo Cristo del Cementerio (Holy Christ of the Cemetery) Brotherhood through the streets of Dalt Vila.
Tuesday, 16 of April
· 20:30. Mass in the Cathedral in honor of the dead Brotherhoods of the Santo Cristo Yacente (Recumbent Holy Christ) and procession around the Cathedral.
Wednesday, 17 of April
· 20:30. Procession of Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder (Our Father Jesus of the Great Power) from the Rosary church to the Cathedral.
Thursday, April 18 (Maundy Thursday)
· 7:00. Rosary of the Aurora. Procession of the Virgin of Hope from the church of Santa Cruz to the Cathedral.
· 20:00. Procession of the church of Santa Cruz to the Cathedral. Jesús Cautivo (Captive Jesus) Brotherhood.
Friday, 19 of April (Good Friday)
· 9:00. Via Crucis of the Santo Cristo de la Agonía (Holy Christ of the Agony) from the church of Santa Cruz to the Cathedral.
· 20:00. Procession of the Santo Entierro (Holy Entombment of Christ) from the Cathedral to the Vara de Rey promenade, with all the Brotherhoods of Vila.
Saturday, 20 of April
· 23:30. Easter Vigil in the Cathedral.
Sunday, 21 of April (Easter Sunday)
· 10:00. Procession of the Holy Encounter between the Risen Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows in the Vara de Rey promenade.
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