The Ibiza Town Council, by mutual agreement and in coordination with the Insular Council of Ibiza and the other municipalities, has taken a series of measures aimed at promoting the containment of the COVID-19 coronavirus that affects municipal facilities and tourist services.
Among them, the closure of the city’s museums stands out. There, the work staff will carry out work behind closed doors and therefore telematic or telephone procedures can be made if necessary.
The Tourist Information Offices have also been closed, although inquiries can be made by phone (+34 971 399 232) and by email (informacioturistica@eivissa.es).
The scheduled activities at the C-19 youth center, at the Ibiza Municipal Library, at the Casal de Igualdad and the concerts of the different groups of the Ibiza Music Board have also been suspended. Nor will the Fira d’Estocs scheduled for this Sunday, March 15 take place. In addition, the suspension of the Tour of Ibiza by BTT, the Ibiza Marathon and the Salt Route have been announced.
The sports facilities will remain open but without training and directed activities or competitions that involve concentrations of people. In municipal buildings, information and safety guidelines have been increased with the placement of informative posters.
The rest of the municipal departments, with the exception of Ibiza’s Local Police and administrative departments, will carry out the provision of their services at the usual time and citizens are recommended to use telematic or telephone services.
In the case of direct citizenship services, such as entry registers, receptions and the Citizen Service, the obligation to maintain an adequate safety distance between people and the increase in cleanliness in public spaces and facilities has been established. Hydrogel dispensers have also been installed at workplaces in different municipal spaces.
The maximum capacity of people in the direct attention services will be controlled to avoid crowds and the Citizen Service, if there are significant concentrations of users, people will be asked to wait outside and go in small groups to avoid crowds in a closed space.
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